Alcohol Addiction Treatment Tailored to You

Alcoholism is a complex and challenging condition, leaving many feeling alone and lost. Facing up to the idea that you may have a drinking problem can be one of the most difficult aspects of recovery, but it is also the vital first step of the journey.

Alcoholism is also a compulsive disorder; How many times have you put the bottle down and counted the days, said you would get help or lied about buying alcohol to a loved one?

Therapy, peer support and structure are the cornerstones of addiction treatment, and with the right support, you can get better. With Recovery at the Crossroads — your recovery journey starts today!

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How Do I know I need an Alcohol Treatment Center?

Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

Drinking is an acceptable pastime, so it can be tough to determine where the line between healthy and unhealthy alcohol consumption is drawn. Addiction is characterized by a lack of control and the continued pursuit of drinking despite adverse consequences.

Do you find yourself asking or doing any of these?

  • I am persistently craving a drink.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption despite problems at home, school or work.
  • Friends and family are negatively affected by your continued drinking.
  • Missing out on commitments or no longer partaking in activities.
  • I am drinking even though it puts you in positions of danger.
  • Knowing that you’re making a mental health condition worse by alcohol use.
  • I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms and drinking to avoid them.

Know The Effects of Alcoholism

Alcohol is a depressant, causing vital functions within your body to shut down; the more you drink, the more pronounced its effects are. Due to the fact it emulates naturally occurring chemicals in your brain, you begin to rely on alcohol to relax, fall asleep and prevent the onset of withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms can be severe enough to require medical detox services within a treatment program.

Do you feel any of these effects of long-term alcohol abuse?

  • Blackouts
  • Slurred speech
  • Obnoxious behavior
  • Diarrhea/Vomiting
  • Respiratory problems
  • Lack of self-awareness
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Unconsciousness

#1 Addiction Treatment Center that accepts insurance plans. RAC is the go-to for New Jersey Rehab.

Don’t go another day with signs, symptoms or effects…

The Benefits of Outpatient Treatment for Alcoholism

Outpatient treatment can benefit individuals with alcohol use disorder who do not require inpatient care.

This treatment provides a supportive, safe environment for individuals to receive therapy and counseling. Working with the highly qualified healthcare team at Recovery at the Crossroads allows clients to develop healthier habits and attitudes toward drinking – freeing them from the grip of their addiction.

Advantages of outpatient programs include reasonably priced care, flexibility with appointments, and access to additional programs such as short-term interventions that can support long-term sobriety.

When Residential Rehab Is Needed for Alcoholism 

There are cases when an individual’s alcoholism has progressed to a point where residential rehab is needed. This may be due to the severity of withdrawal symptoms or other factors, such as co-occurring disorders, that could complicate outpatient rehabilitation efforts. 

When enrolled in residential rehab, one stays at our facility, which allows them to physically remove themselves from any negative influences in their environment that could result in relapse. Some features at Recovery at the Crossroads’ residential rehab include 24/7 medical supervision, group counseling sessions, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions, and detoxification programs. 

During residential care, our clients also work closely with therapists to overcome underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety that might contribute to their drinking problem. The additional form of socialization and support from our inpatient program is fundamental if group dynamics were difficult during previous attempts at achieving sobriety.

Substance Use Disorders in New Jersey need a trusted team to help recovery. RACNJ is that team!

How Trauma Can Lead To Alcoholism

It’s important to note that trauma can lead to alcoholism in many ways. Numerous studies have pointed to how alcohol abuse as a means of escape from emotional pain or grief associated with trauma (past or present) can lead down a destructive path if left unchecked. 

Traumatic events can range from childhood traumas, such as physical and/or emotional abuse or neglect to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experienced by veterans after serving in combat. Depression, anxiety and other mental health issues can contribute to an increased risk of developing alcoholism, which alleviates the pain at the moment but opens doors to greater life stressors that follow with the bottle.

To help treat co-occurring issues related to trauma alongside an alcohol use disorder, seeking out specialized dual-diagnosis treatments is strongly recommended. Recovery at the Crossroads are experts in trauma-informed care, offering cutting edge, holistic treatments to help clients reach their long-term sobriety goals.

Dedicated Alcohol Treatment For Women

Finding specialized care in New Jersey geared toward helping women recover from alcoholism is complicated. Recovery at the Crossroads is at the forefront of gender-specific treatments. Women must seek treatment within a facility with programs tailored to them since they struggle differently than men with addiction-related problems.

By addressing issues such as relationship dynamics and sexual trauma, among many other topics relevant only to female experiences with alcohol abuse, our program assuringly gets to the root cause. 

With the correct type of care, it is possible for women suffering from alcohol addiction to regain control over their lives and be free from the pain caused by dependency. Gender-specific alcohol treatment programs provide an extra layer of comfort for those looking for safe, understanding environments during a difficult journey toward sustainable recovery.

Help Is Just A Phone Call Away

Are you or someone you know struggling with an addiction to alcohol? Call 856-644-6929 for help at any time.

Alcoholism is a serious addiction that can devastate one’s physical and mental health and relationships with family and friends. However, with the right type of treatment and support, it is possible for individuals suffering from alcoholism to regain control over their lives and lead happy and healthy lives. Don’t wait; start your path to recovery today and get the help you need.

By seeking professional guidance from trained specialists at Recovery at the Crossroads right away, it is possible to create an effective treatment plan tailored towards sustainable sobriety. Take the first step towards rebuilding your life – start alcohol addiction treatment today!