Also known as narcotics, opioids are regularly prescribed for mild to moderate chronic pain. When taken, opioids change the brain’s chemistry and are highly addictive, even when used short-term and as directed. Commonly prescribed opioids include oxycodone, codeine, morphine, methadone and fentanyl.

Opioid misuse, addiction and overdose have resulted in a severe health crisis, leaving families and communities broken. But identifying an opioid addiction and seeking substance abuse help are the first steps in overcoming the problem. Recovery at the Crossroads in New Jersey can help you get the support and resources you need to overcome addiction. With one call to 856-644-6929, our substance abuse treatment can get you on the path to recovery.

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Signs, Symptoms & Effects of Opioid Abuse

Signs and Symptoms of Opioid Addiction

Individuals with substance abuse disorders or addiction often try to mask their symptoms, so it can be challenging to spot a problem unless you know the signs. Possible warning signs of drug addiction include:

Addicts withdraw from family and friends, sacrificing valuable connections to prioritize acquiring and using their drug. The isolation shields them from criticism and the overwhelming shame they feel.

Addiction alters brain chemistry, hijacking thoughts and emotions. Instead of finding joy in once-beloved hobbies, addicts use opioids to replicate the same euphoric sensations.

Opioid addiction often manifests through noticeable changes in physical appearance. Weight loss and neglect of personal hygiene become apparent. Additionally, constricted pupils are a common sign of opioid use.

Concealing injection marks becomes a priority for some addicts, prompting them to wear long sleeves even in warm weather, a telltale sign of their struggles.

Addiction profoundly impacts personality, frequently triggering co-occurring conditions like depression and anxiety. The individual undergoes a disheartening metamorphosis, straying from their true self.

The fear of withdrawal intensifies, leading to relentless quests for more drugs. A pervasive feeling of hopelessness engulfs them as they yearn to break free from addiction but find themselves trapped.

Desperate to fuel their addiction, individuals resort to doctor shopping, seeking multiple prescriptions. Stealing from loved ones, employers, and acquaintances becomes an alarming means to acquire funds or medications.

The Effects of Opioid Addiction

Opioids work by interacting with the opioid receptors in the body that reduce pain. CDC guidelines suggest opioids shouldn’t be taken for more than 3 days because of their addictive nature. Patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain should be monitored closely for signs of addiction due to the risks of long-term effects.

Opioids disrupt the natural movement of the digestive system, causing severe constipation and blockages. Users suffer from debilitating symptoms like nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, bloating, and in extreme cases, hospitalization becomes necessary.

Alarming research reveals heightened risks of heart-related issues stemming from opioid use. Irregular heart rhythms, including potentially fatal arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation, become prevalent.

Breathing slows down under the influence of opioids, potentially leading to hypoxia and suffocation in higher doses. Individuals with pre-existing lung conditions, like asthma, face heightened vulnerability as opioids obstruct proper airflow into the lungs.

Those with existing liver conditions encounter severe complications when using opioids. Combining opioids with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can trigger liver failure. 

Prolonged opioid use diminishes fertility in both men and women. Pregnant women or those planning to conceive face heightened risks of preterm birth, stillbirth, and maternal mortality.

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Opioid Addiction Services in New Jersey

In the United States, drug overdose deaths have increased 58% from 2019 to 2021. Approximately 78% of these deaths involve opioid use. The majority of these deaths could have been prevented with proper treatment.

For successful recovery, medications and therapy are often used together for the greatest success, but there are several options to ensure your success. At Recovery at the Crossroads in New Jersey, we offer several treatment methods for opioid addiction.

Medicated-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medicated-assisted treatment, or MAT, uses several medications to alleviate some withdrawal symptoms and cravings for opioids during the beginning stages of treatment. These medications also sustain recovery and prevent overdose by returning the brain chemistry to normal. Suboxone, methadone and buprenorphine are the most commonly used medications for opioid addiction. Medication-assisted treatment may be used for years to fight relapse.

Comprehensive Inpatient Residential Rehab

Inpatient treatment provides the highest level of care for addiction. It treats the individual’s whole body, mind and spirit through group activities, individual therapy, family therapy, detox and health and nutrition. At Recovery at the Crossroads, we remove the individual from daily life while working toward recovery. Our holistic addiction treatment services also include art and music therapy.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Partial hospitalization is an outpatient program that provides comprehensive treatment daily in a treatment center. The individual is allowed to return home each night. This option is ideal for those with young children and family obligations and those who may not need 24-hour supervision. PHP often helps for minor relapses or when you’ve completed an entire inpatient program but still require assistance.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Outpatient rehab is a nonresidential program that allows an individual to live at home and go to work or school while attending therapy sessions in a rehabilitation center. Outpatient rehab is helpful for those with mild addiction and those with a strong support system.

man getting the help he needs to overcome opioid addiction

How Addiction Treatment Can Help You Overcome Opioid Addiction

Identifying opioid addiction and seeking treatment is the first step toward recovery from a substance use disorder. This treatment is typically provided in either inpatient or outpatient care and involves medical intervention, counseling and support to help increase the chances of success. The treatment plan varies depending on an individual’s needs but significantly affects recovery. The overall goal of any successful personalized treatment plan is to help the individual return to their work, family and community.

What Families Can Do for Loved Ones Suffering From Opioid Addiction

Any type of addiction can take a toll on families and relationships. However, family support is important in the recovery process of a loved one struggling with opioid addiction. With the assistance of a licensed professional, a home recovery plan helps family members identify signs of a relapse and how to address these issues. Family members can attend group meetings to understand the addiction better and seek out additional individual support groups to connect with others who’ve experienced secondhand addiction.

family torn apart from addiction

Begin Opioid Rehab At Recovery At the Crossroads in New Jersey

If you or someone you love is struggling with opioid addiction in New Jersey, we can provide the help needed for recovery. Contact us to speak to one of our counselors to learn more about our addiction treatment programs and get answers to some of the most common questions regarding personalized treatment options and plans. We can help you choose which drug rehab program is best for your situation and assist with insurance benefits. Call an intake specialist at 856-644-6929 or fill out our form online to get started.